Friday, December 2, 2011

“Reach out and touch someone.” Old adverts on the telly used this catchy phrase to flog telephones. But in this age of social networking, folks are “reaching out” via facebook, twitter and other networks.
In a time when the people closest to us often seem not to care, or worse, notice; it seems that we can get that touch of empathy from the people we’ve connected with via the networks.
More often than not, it is a stranger that we’ve “friended” that gives us that helping hand, that shoulder to cry on, that “understanding” we so desperately need.
Sure, there are a lot of charlatans in the world of social networking. But for every trickster, there must be at least one person reaching out for real.
It cost’s nothing to pass on a kind word or at least a bit of mutual understanding of their fear and pain. As long as they’re not asking for money (I’m not that naive), go for it. You may find yourself in their position one day.

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