Wednesday, January 25, 2012


I don't expect many people to read this post. Smoking has become the new "bad" of this millennium. In this new age of the "Nanny" culture, it has become very popular to sneer at smoking and smokers in general. Smokers have, in effect, become the new social lepers.

I won't lie, I've had a love affair with smoking since I was twelve years old. A few of my friends and I "passed-the-hat" and pooled our pennies together to buy a pack of Winstons. It was love at first inhale. I never had the typical first bad reaction to smoking that most of my friends suffered. It was the beginning of a life long  addiction that I would quit again and again, but still come back to.

Don't get me wrong, I know it's bad for me. I also know that it makes my clothes smell...and my hair, skin, etc. But nothing can calm me down or satisfy me faster than that quick puff (or drag) on a cigarette, cigar or pipe. Nicotine patches, or gum, or mints just don't have the same affect. Oh it cures the nicotine craving all right. It just doesn't touch the inhale/exhale exercise that also makes smoking so addictive.

I've tried electronic cigarettes and they come close, but as the saying goes, no cigar. I'm sure that one day someone will develop one that works as well as a cigarette. But I'm not holding my breath.

I am just amazed, and a little shocked, to see how socially acceptable it has become to vilify and castigate smokers. I even had a colleague tell me in no uncertain terms that I was going to die a horrible death because I smoked. Nice. I'll try to return the favour the next time I see them eating red meat. And no I'm not a vegetarian.

I hate to break it to people, but smoking isn't the only thing in the world that kills people.   LIFE kills people. Like Katherine Hepburn said, "Of course life is hard, it kills you." We are all going to die...of something. The human body is not built to last indefinitely. We all just choose our own brand of poison to push it towards it's expiry date. Look at the facts. Everything is pretty much bad for us. Booze, most foods (at least the ones everyone likes), sun; well you get the point, I'm sure.  

I'm just surprised at how hostile folks have become to smokers in general and how phobic they are. Yes lab rats have shown that second hand smoke can kill - and now it seems third hand smoke as well, what ever that is - and that several really bad things occur to major organs and arteries from the same first, second and third smoke inhalation.

So yes I know it's bad for me. I also know it's bad for folks around me. I don't blow my smoke on other people and have never smoke around anyone who is phobic about it or has health related issues. Okay?

So I will be quitting again. But not for any of the above mentioned reasons. I'll be quitting because it's become too costly to continue for much longer. The British government has taxed tobacco so much, it's become the smoking equivalent of caviar. This is all in aid of getting folks to quit. Kind of like killing the golden goose in my opinion. Smokers, like drinkers, put lots of tax dough-ray-me into the coffers of the government. Making it too expensive is cutting off a huge source of revenue.

Still the most annoying thing about the new "smokers are nasty" spiel is how really un-PC it is. How politically correct is it to tell someone they smell. Or to make nasty comments about their personal habits. So don't be surprised if the next time I'm in town and having a smoke in the open air where my "nasty habit" will not invade your pristine lungs, if you give me a nasty look or comment I might just flick an ash in your eye.

You've been warned.


  1. You know Mike, I couldn't agree more. I smoke my cigars every once in awhile. nothing regular. But I do enjoy them and I have no intention of quitting, Heck at $8.00 and up apiece and I'm still smoking them. Hey it's only money and you can't take it with you.Have a good day my friend and I'm off to kill something. Sherman

  2. 'Flick an ash in your eye'? shrewd, but I can't blame you. I've got a lot of friends from college who smoke, and they're all great guys - some of the are my best friends- and in no way do I condone their habit, in fact, I've gotten to liking the smell that smoking creates; probably because by now it reminds me so much of hanging out with my friends as they smoke. Thankfully they don't get as pedantic a treatment from the public as you have gotten. Then again, I've heard them tell me some stories similar to what you talk about in this post. So let me be the first to say Mike that even though I'm not a smoker, I'll be the first one to get your back against any non-smoker to gives you a dirty look or comment.
