Friday, January 13, 2012

New year

Well 2012 has started with a blast. I've been tweeting, facebooking and Google + ing about stopping the SOPA  bill that Congress is trying to pass. I was a bit shocked and dismayed to learn of this bill's existence and the sickening ease that it was being passed through Congress. It looks like Orwell got the year a little wrong when he wrote 1984...perhaps on subsequent releases of the book they may have to re-title it 2012.

My daughter and I have been looking forward to 2012 as a year of re-birth. A new chance at the life that has been, thus far, elusively out of reach.  So far 2012 has been scarily like the previous few years. Another allergic reaction for Meg;  money problems for me. Oh well, I've always been told that pinning your hopes on a "new year" was asking for trouble.

I tried to start this particular  blog about two weeks ago. I then got mired down with the daily trials that make up our everyday life. I got started again today because my friend Bruce (sticklepix) left me a short finger wag on my facebook wall, "slacking off with the blog goddamit..." Yes, slacking I have been, but now I'm going to pick the reins back up.

It looks like the catchword for this new year is going to be...flexibility. I know, I know. Flexibility should always be the catchword. But life has a way of making us forget that. Our jobs, chores, and leisure activities  can make us all too complacent and more importantly un-flexible in our pursuit of what we are aiming for.

Still, if the Mayan's were right, the world may very well end this year in December. Unfortunately we won't know until the time arrives. There are no Mayan's around to ask about their "prophesy" and even if there were they'd very very old. And as we all know very very old people have very very dodgy memories.

But until the world ends in December - or not - I think we'll keep practising our flexibility. Who knows, we might need it in the next life, you know? The one beginning in the January after December 2012.


  1. Best wishes to you and Meg for 2012 Mike, enjoyed reading this. :-)

  2. You keep writing, I'll keep reading. Glad to see you're back at it. But not glad to hear about your rocky start to 2012, especially that Meg's been under the weather.
