I am sitting here at 1030 in the evening. I'm tired and a bit brain frazzled. I'm also a bit excited. Don't worry I will stop these Hemingway-esque sentences soon.
So why am I excited?
I'm excited because a very temporary part of my life is coming to a close. I was very happy in my little flat, it was my first new home in my new life.
But it was only temporary.
I am now moving into a proper house, with a garden, and setting up home properly.
I'm trying to move everything as quickly as possible. I can do this because I'm literally moving a short stones throw from my current address.
We never know what direction life is going to take us. I got the chance to rent my new house from a very unexpected source. I was surprised and not a little dismayed at who actually steered me onto the house.
Surprised because I didn't think the person who helped me would have cared enough to do so.
Dismayed because I obviously sold him short.
As hard as it is, we have to remember to give everyone benefit of the doubt and believe that their intentions are good.
Being too cynical is not good for anyone. Let's all try to remember that.